SENSEX Total Open Interest Live chart - 09 May 09:15 AM




Last OI Action - -



Active Options by Traded Volume

Strike Price Traded Volume
73,500 PE               1,708
73,500 CE               1,609
73,400 PE               1,014
73,000 PE               743
73,400 CE               731
73,800 CE               653
73,200 PE               632
72,500 PE               585
73,300 PE               576
73,600 CE               574

SENSEX support and resistance

Strike Price Total OI Observation
73500 PE 9,557 Support
73000 PE 8,995 Support
72500 PE 5,170 Support
73500 CE 10,332 Resistance
73600 CE 6,538 Resistance
73700 CE 5,075 Resistance

Option Chain details of SENSEX as of 09 May 2024 09:15 AM for Expiry Date: 10 May 2024

Observation CPR Vol IV Price Change Last Price Total OI OI Change Strike Price OI Change Total OI Last Price Price Change IV Vol PCR Observation
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1,613 2,059 35.55 -7.05 0.00 278
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 3,031 5,170 46.00 -7.65 0.00 585
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 2,958 3,617 59.80 -2.55 0.00 482
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1,844 2,310 75.40 -2.80 0.00 238
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1,899 2,545 97.85 2.70 0.00 279
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1,589 2,293 122.45 8.50 0.00 217
0.2 172 0.00 -94.30 624.70 1,541 1,110 73,000.00 7,123 8,995 146.80 9.35 0.00 743 5.8
0.1 13 0.00 -88.10 555.55 325 287 73,100.00 2,124 2,612 183.35 21.35 0.00 365 8.0
0.3 52 0.00 -85.75 491.30 839 732 73,200.00 2,217 2,889 220.40 24.20 0.00 632 3.4
0.3 362 0.00 -73.95 437.65 1,186 900 73,300.00 2,667 3,695 265.75 35.35 0.00 576 3.1
0.6 731 0.00 -67.00 382.50 2,153 1,677 73,400.00 2,730 3,827 308.80 41.05 0.00 1,014 1.8
1.1 1,609 0.00 -59.40 332.55 10,332 6,888 73,500.00 5,663 9,557 361.90 50.80 0.00 1,708 0.9
2.9 574 0.00 -52.20 288.20 6,538 4,603 73,600.00 1,486 2,224 417.55 60.70 0.00 252 0.3
3.5 573 0.00 -42.90 249.25 5,075 4,023 73,700.00 710 1,449 478.55 68.35 0.00 59 0.3
1.8 653 0.00 -39.30 210.15 3,254 1,824 73,800.00 994 1,807 536.90 68.20 0.00 72 0.6

What does SENSEX Total Open Interest(OI) means?

SENSEX total Open Interest (OI) provides the total number of outstanding contracts that have not been settled for a future and Options or a Stock for the upcoming expiry date. It means total number of lots that have been written for all the strike prices of an index or a stock up to date. Here, we provide the number of total lots ((Nifty it is 50 for lot and BankNifty it is 25 per lot that have been added for all the strike prices of SENSEX till date. It may help you to analyse the trend of the index or stock. If more calls are written then it is bearish. If more puts are written it is bullish. If puts and calls are having equal number at any strike for SENSEX it is called short straddle hence most likely SENSEX may not be volililte for the current expiry. Even if it makes big moves it so happens that both call and put strike price may lose value. SENSEX intraday OI change provides human readable charts so that traders can make decisions easily. If SENSEX 36000 puts are 33,000 lots of contracts are written and only 2000 calls are added then 36000 may act as support. If more number puts than calls means it the strike price may act as resistance. Please check out NiftyOIData for OI related data